Friday, November 28, 2008

Charlie Chaplin said...

"You need not be famous to write something worth remembering, worth preserving, worth publishing."


Ipo said...

I like the definition of peace on that mug. And I think it's totally true, the Charlie Chaplin quote. I was at a viewing tonight and they played a slide show of the deceased and his family and they had a lot of quotes by "annonymous" persons and I thought to myself, why didn't they just get quotes from family members, it would have meant so much more. I mean they were just little quotes that weren't like prophetic or philosophic, just some things that anyone could have said in their own words. Am I making any sense at all? I'm just thinking that sometimes we shouldn't be afraid to use our own words....

Calidore said...

I think that would have been an excellent idea...having the family share their own thoughts. I think you're right, that sometimes we rely too much on the notion that someone else would have said it better. Hope you had a good thanksgiving.